“In the beginner’s mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”
The creation of a piece of art is the creation of a new world. It is an exploration for both the maker and the creator. It is a symbiosis between the artist and the viewer.
I approach every new piece with new eyes, with openness to the unexpected. I am constantly thrilled when new shapes, patterns, and colors emerge. Ideas are just the seeds. Putting brush to canvas is planting that seed and letting it take root to grow into what it is meant to become.
When the piece is finished it becomes a seed in the mind of the viewer. Once again it takes root and is transformed by what the viewer sees. Through the viewer’s lens, the piece takes on yet another life.
In my favorite art, I can return again and again seeing things I haven’t seen before. It is a journey into the world of the artist, but also a journey inside myself. The art pulls things out of me and makes me understand myself and the world around me in new and exciting ways.
This is what I aim to create with my work. A world that presents itself anew with each viewing. A chance to approach something familiar with new eyes. A chance to continually be challenged and thrilled. To go deeper into a piece to understand it and myself in new ways every time.
- Gabe Fonorow